Mum Mum & Elle Belly

Matt and Lins caught lovin' on eachother

Just the girls

Hurricane Judah


Paeton and Judah digging in the sand

Elle & Daddy

Mum Mum stealing kisses

Mum Mum & Papa

Paeton loves exploring for bugs at the beach

Awww... it's me and my sweetie.

He's pretty talented, hu?

Walkin' with mom & dad

Judah & Mum Mum

She wasn't too fond of the sand

But Judah loved it

Such a cute family!

I wish I had taken my camera the second day we went to the beach because the waves were crashing and Judah was screaming with joy... he did some body surfing as he'd sit on the beach and a big wave would crash in and take him floating back further up the beach. Of course I was pretty much holding on to him the whole time so he couldn't get too far, but he just loved it. And it was quite entertaining for everyone else on the beach.
great shots, esp. of matt, linds & elle!
i am glad you guys had fun :)
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