This is baby Mary Alice - my cousins daughter who is having heart surgery for the second time today. Please pray for her little heart to heal.

(Ben Writes...)
So, we've heard back from the "Cath Conference" (all the surgeons and doctors) and they want to go in again tomorrow and have another go at a repair. Reflecting on it, this is probably the answer we wanted to hear (vs. more waiting--that has proven more difficult as the days on full support continue). So, she will have another open heart surgery tomorrow around noon. The doctor's priorities remain the same: 1) no more surgeries (scratch that), 2) attempt a repair (to make the annulus smaller so the leaflets will touch), before 3) having to do a replacement (if they find that they have to replace the valve, it will likely be a metal one that will need replacement multiple times as she grows and throughout her life).
We are still praying for healing tomorrow, that Mary Alice will come out of surgery well and that she will require no further surgeries. We remain confident that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion in His timing, for His glory and honor. He knows our hurts and will not give us more than we can handle... but it felt like He came awfully close last night and we at times wish He did not have as much apparant confidence in us! Please continue to pray with us knowing that God has been faithful and will be again! Off to bed... long day tomorrow!
Ben & Katie
Please pass along my well wishes to Ben and Katie.
I'll be praying.
God bless her and all of you..
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