I gave Judah a buzz cut because he refuses to have anyone cut it... and it was getting too long... you couldn't see his cute face anymore!
Here he's gearing up for his first boat ride... he loves boats and was very excited.

Paeton was looking quite adorable!

Mum Mum was enjoying herself.

Mum Mum, and her sisters (Aunt Linda and Aunt Mary)

Driving the boat... he did great!

Josh was closing his eyes and pretending he wasn't on a boat

The sun getting ready to set

The end of our day! We had a fabulous weekend until Josh got sick. We just got home and we already miss you all! XOXO and Happy Mothers Day to Mum Mum & Grandma Kim & KK!
Glad you guys had a great trip! Cute pictures! Next time we will all have to go! :)
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