Judah and I went to payless and bought him some new tennis shoes and then we headed down a few stores to a salon and got his first full-head haircut! He did so great... he just sat there quietly while she cut his hair.

And then we all went through starbucks because we accidently left his juice cup at home so we got him and Paeton ORGANIC juice.... :)

And they shared an oatmeal cookie

Then we headed to Baytown Wharf which is maybe 10 minutes from our house. An adorable little shopping village with lots of cool stuff to do and a great playground

So this was Judah's first time playing at a playground. He had a blast!

Don't you just want to kiss him!?!?!

He couldn't walk across the ropes so he walked around them instead

Paeton's my big monkey


Going down the BIG slide! I went with him.... :) We had a great time. After that we watched a dog jumping competition put on by Purina. The dogs were jumping off a dock into the water. We also checked out the toy store and saw some really big boats and cool restaurants. Now we're home and we're all pooped! :) Hope you all are having a great Saturday.
SO cute! Glad you guys all had a great day together and that you guys can get out and do stuff now! Thanks again for my B-day gift, I love it! :) One question though... was their cookie organic too? lol just kidding!
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