Playing in the pool

Judah loved the water

Paeton dunked papa a few times

Judah on the way there

4th of July fireworks

not the finale (haha mom)

poor tonka at home all alone.
We had such a wonderful time at mom's (minus the car issues). Thanks so much for letting us invade your home for a week! We love you guys and miss you. Oh - and here's a message from Judah:
Dearest Mum-Mum, Thank you for making me banana pudding. And thank you for feeding it to me. I like banana pudding. I like you too. Love, Judah P.S. Please don't be sad that I can't say "mum mum" yet. Mom's making me practice every day.
Dearest PaPa, Thank you for letting mum mum make banana pudding for me. And thank you for letting her feed it to me too. I like banana pudding. I like you too. Love, Judah P.S. The fact that I can say PaPa and not mum mum does not mean I like you more. I love you both equally.
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