Paeton loves animals so much. I'm quite certain she will grow up to do something with animals or bugs (entymologist???)
Saturday, November 29
A frog & Blue water
Thank you Grandma Fly, Aunt Linda and Uncle Gordie for my frog and blue bath sand (which I had a blast playing in last night... possibly my longest bath ever).
Posted by Leah Manning at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 27
Paeton & Friends
Paeton's school picture was awful so I wanted to get a good shot of her to go up next to Judah's good 2 year picture. I took her to the same spot I did some of Judah's pictures and her friends wanted to come along. I think I'll frame the picture of her friends together for their mom and dad for Christmas.
Posted by Leah Manning at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26
Thanks Papa, KK, Rian, Gabe & Evie!
For my Birthday presents.... My organic Jams,

My mickey football sweatshirt,

my cute hound puppy outfit,

and my adidas outfit that is conveniently the same colors of a favorite college football team. :)
Thanks so much.... I love you all!
Posted by Leah Manning at 4:08 PM 1 comments
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa Vickers and Kelly!
We got our Cookie Bouquet this morning and we're all really excited to eat it (although, it's almost too pretty to eat!)
Posted by Leah Manning at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 25
We've Decked Our Halls!
They are just too cute!

After some encouragement from my mom I decided to put up my tree this year. We were tree-less last year because I was afraid of Judah pulling it over on himself or something, but this year we have a tree!
Posted by Leah Manning at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 24
Judah was able to go to Build A Bear today and chose to make a floppy eared bunny named "VROOOM" who is wearing a Batman T-shirt. Paeton got to go with a friend a few weeks ago and the friends mom sent her home with a few gift cards so Paeton decided to share with Judah since he'd never made one before. He had fun, but I think he likes to box that the bunny came home in more than "Vrooom". :)
Posted by Leah Manning at 4:46 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 21
Paeton's Play
Paeton's artwork

Her best friend from her class

These shots are from the play

Paeton was in a Thanksgiving play today that her class put on.
She did a great job! It was really cute.
Posted by Leah Manning at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17
Above picture is from his actual birthday... wearing his birthday outfit.

Can you believe he's TWO???

I took these this morning for his 2 year pics

Posted by Leah Manning at 11:04 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15
Happy Birthday JUDAH!
Thank you Grandma Carson!!!
I love my Backyardigans doll that sings and talks to me!

Thanks Aunt Lu-Lu, Uncle Matt and Elle!
I love my Aquadoodle and Batmobile that drives when you shake it!

My Dino from mom and dad and music bear from Paeton (my last one broke)

We decided to get Judah a birthday cookie because he's all about cookies. Everyday he says "Cookie... Cookie...Cookie" He's my little Cookie Monster.

Opening Presents

Birthday Balloon - PABLO!

The neighbor kids came over to help us celebrate.

Judah blew out his candles!

Thanks Gran Gran and Grandpa Gene for my tunnel and Warm Jammies!

Thanks again Mum Mum & Papa for my train set and Snoopy sweat suit
(it came in the mail today)
Posted by Leah Manning at 5:31 PM 2 comments
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